production moodboard
production moodboard
Act I concept
Act I concept
Chorus Act I designs
Chorus Act I designs
act II (first part) concept
act II (first part) concept
lead singers act II design
lead singers act II design
act II (second part) concept
act II (second part) concept
chorus act II design
chorus act II design
act III concept
act III concept
chorus act III design
chorus act III design
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
construction sketch
construction sketch
female singer chorus act I design
female singer chorus act I design
production moodboard
production moodboard
Act I concept
Act I concept
Chorus Act I designs
Chorus Act I designs
act II (first part) concept
act II (first part) concept
lead singers act II design
lead singers act II design
act II (second part) concept
act II (second part) concept
chorus act II design
chorus act II design
act III concept
act III concept
chorus act III design
chorus act III design
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
cutting on the stand, looking for the perfect shape
construction sketch
construction sketch
female singer chorus act I design
female singer chorus act I design
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